Nedap Livestock Management

Velos 2024.1 Dairy Farming

AUTHOR: Nedap Livestock Management

This Nedap Velos software version contains new and improved functionalities that provide new solutions, add valuable options to existing solutions and further increase the ease of use of Velos.

Nedap FarmControl


  • In rotary parlour identification the stall pulse handling, which detects the current position of the rotary parlour, did not react on a short pulse on the stall pulse input. Fixed this issue. It is worth noting that there is a minimum pulse length. The input ignores pulses shorter than 150ms to prevent false rotary parlour position updates because of the stall pulse switch.

  • There are two types of rotary parlour identification behaviour components: 'Rotary ID' and 'Rotary identification'. The 'Rotary identification' is declared end-of-life. If this behaviour component is installed on a Velos installations then this installation cannot be upgraded to versions beyond Velos 2024.1. The installation will then only receive security and bug fix updates (Velos 2024.1.SRx). As Rotary ID and Rotary identification are always in the Velos license together it is possible to use the Rotary ID component. Please contact your dealer in this case to make sure that it will be configured correct.

  • Fixed an issue in Rotary ID behaviour component. The 2nd round cow alert (double flash of the status light) is given as soon as a 2nd cow is detected by the sensor and passing the entrance. This worked fine, but if this cow leaves the platform after the second round the 2nd round alert was given again unjustly as if the cow was still there. This was only the case if the behaviour component is configured to use entrance ID or PPID.


  • Fixed an issue where feeding in the milk parlour could not be configured correctly. After enabling feeding in the milk parlour on the page Settings > Feed settings the values for "Enabled" and "Of which in parlour" were not shown for the default feed plan on the page Settings > Feed plans.

Nedap CowControl

Heat Detection and Health Monitoring

  • On the page Settings > Calendar General it is possible to automatically declare an animal pregnant after a specified number of days after insemination. Nedap Now will take care of this if the Velos installation is running in Nedap Now mode and therefore it is now disabled in Velos and it is not possible to turn it on again.

  • If a filter was active on the animal attentions page, the orange filter active indication was displayed on the print button instead of the filter button.

  • The filter "Hide animals on specific location" on the Heat Detection Attentions page did not hide the animals in the table. This has been fixed.

  • The title above the heat detection attention page, introduced in Velos 2023.4, is now displayed correctly.

Nedap MilkingControl

  • Added a setting "Automatic cluster down" on the page Settings > InTouch settings. If this setting is checked the cluster will go down automatically after take-off. If this setting is checked a second setting is shown to allow the user to specify a delay time between take-off and automatic cluster down.

  • The default milking times for new groups are now user configurable. On the page Settings > Milking times a button "Default milking times" has been added.

    Clicking this button opens a popup where the default milking times can be specified. If new groups are added to the system they will have these milking times by default.

  • The milk parlour configuration wizard, on the page Settings > Parlour configuration, now requires for row-type parlours that the lowest milk place number is on the left side. It is now required that 'left end' number is greater than 'left start', 'right start' is greater than 'left end' and 'right end' is greater than 'right start'. Left and right is determined from the cows point of view.

  • Creating parlour on the page Settings > Parlour configuration may take a while. It was impossible for the user to see when the creation of the parlour was completed. The user is informed better now about the progress.

  • Changing InTouch settings on the page Settings > InTouch settings may take a while in case of larger parlours. It was impossible for the user to see when writing the settings was completed. The user is informed better now about the progress.

  • Improved the speed of handling SmartFlow messages.

  • Fixed these issues:

    • On the page Settings > Parlour configuration > Set logical addresses of InTouch devices, clicking "Parlour configuration" in the breadcrumb at the top of the page now correctly redirects to the parlour configuration page.

    • Replacing floats in the SmartFlow no longer results in false "No cleaning detected" attentions.

    • In some cases the milk time was reset when it should not be reset. This made it possible to milk a cow twice the maximum milk time.

    • Pressing "Submit" on the page Settings > Smartflow settings redirects the user to the SmartFlow configuration report. This also works correctly now for swing-over parlours.

    • When creating a new milk parlour on the page Settings > Parlour configuration > Add new parlour, the popup showing the number of InTouch devices being created showed a wrong number of devices. The number of InTouch devices actually being created was already correct.

    • The cow number is now shown again on the InTouch after pressing the separation button on the InTouch.

    • The tab "Milking " on the page Farm overview now also shows milk yields registered for unknown cows correctly.

    • The reports "Cows not milked - Current session" and "Cows not milked - Historical" both showed animals that have been milked. Fixed this issue.


  • Velos 2024.1 is the last feature release version for a number of components. Velos installations using one or more of these components will only receive security and bug fix updates (Velos 2024.1.SRx) from now on. For possible alternatives please check the Velos End-Of-Life schedule on the Nedap Livestock Management website.

    The components involved are:

    • VP8001 VPU

    • VP3104 Milking parlour interface

    • VP1101 Antenna reader module

    • VP1910 Antenna reader, I/O module

    • VP5002 V-Scan

    • VP5004 ID-Note 

    • VP6201 V-Cam 

  • Nedap constantly updates the software to prevent security vulnerabilities.

    • In this version some 3rd party libraries have been updated because of this.

    • From this version onwards remote access (vpu-online) to Velos requires users to have a strong password if they have remote access to a Velos system via vpu-online. After the update to Velos 2024.1, users with remote access and a weak password get 60 days to update their password, otherwise their remote access will be blocked. Access through local ip address remains working. When users with remote access log in using a weak password, they will be notified to update their password. The user can choose to ignore the message, disable remote access or update their password with a stronger one.

    • Therefore it is no longer possible to connect a main VPU directly to the internet via a router and access it via its IP-address. Remote access is only allowed via vpu-online.

    • Therefore the main VPU and secondary VPUs use secure communication from this version onwards.

  • Fixed following issues:

    • On the animal overview page the responder number of a cow can be entered by means of scanning a QR-code. In some cases the QR-code scanner started and scanned the code but the screen stayed black after scanning the code.

    • Handling encrypted messages of subscription tags was very slow causing the system to slow down.

    • On different places in Velos the requirements for safe passwords were different.

    • When refreshing a page a red system alert bar was shown shortly even if there was no active system alert.

    • The FDX diagram was not always refreshed on the page Maintenance > Identification.

    • On the page Settings > Power Channels it was not possible to select another VPU in the breadcrumb at the top of the page and therefore it was not possible to create power channels on secondary VPUs.

    • Tables of reports were cut off in portrait mode when printing.


  • VP1004: v3.02.11

    • Improved handling of power to next module and last in line detection. 

  • VP1801: v3.08.41

    • License default on for HDX, Extra power and Notch filter (when available in the hardware).

    • Add ISO UDP protocol.

    • Use two separate antennas as one antenna.

  • VP5001: v2.00.21

    • Improved detection of standalone modus 

System requirements

Velos version

  • An installation needs to run on version 2022.1 or newer to be able to update to this version. Make sure to update to version 2022.1 first before installing this version.


  • This version is compatible with Taurus 2020.1 ( or higher.

Mobile device versions:

  • iOS 15 or later

  • Android 5.0 or later

Supported browsers:

  • Google Chrome

  • Microsoft Edge

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