Nedap Livestock Management

Velos 2024.1.SR1b Dairy Farming

AUTHOR: Nedap Livestock Management

This Nedap Velos software version contains fixes for issues that may cause problems for some users.


  • In the Velos 2024.1 update, a new security check was introduced to ensure that users with remote access have sufficiently strong passwords. Users whose passwords do not meet the required strength are given 60 days to update their password or disable remote access. Originally, this measure was intended only for local users with remote access but was inadvertently applied to Nedap BI users who use a one-time password (OTP). OTPs are secure but may not meet our new password strength criteria. Therefore, after 60 days following the update some Nedap BI users will not be able to login anymore. Since this primarily concerns users with a Nedap BI account, the main implications are for business partners, as end users typically create a Velos account with remote access and do not have a Nedap BI account. We are correcting this to ensure the new security policy applies only to the intended users.

System requirements

Velos version

  • An installation needs to run on version 2022.1 or newer to be able to update to this version. Make sure to update to version 2022.1 first before installing this version.


  • This version is compatible with Taurus 2020.1 ( or higher.

Mobile device versions:

  • iOS 15 or later

  • Android 5.0 or later

Supported browsers:

  • Google Chrome

  • Microsoft Edge

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