Nedap Livestock Management

Velos 2024.2.SR1 Dairy Farming

AUTHOR: Nedap Livestock Management

This Nedap Velos software version contains new and improved functionalities that provide new solutions, add valuable options to existing solutions and further increase the ease of use of Velos.

Nedap CowControl

Heat Detection and Health Monitoring

  • Fixed a typo on the tab Handled on the heat detection attention page. Under actions, the single quotation mark has been removed from the action "Move to 'Attentions".

  • On the reports "Calendar dates" and "Calendar dates youngstock" some column headers were incorrectly aligned above the column. This issue has been fixed.

Cow Locating

  • The location tracking of animals that are inside a milking robot has been improved.

  • The "Received" tab of the monitor page of the SmartTag receiver behaviour component (Maintenance > Behaviour Components > ...) showed the tags where the oldest messages were received from where it should show the tags the most recent messages were received from. This issue has been fixed.

Nedap MilkingControl

  • An issue in the SmartFlow statistical calibration calculation, which could occur in very large installations, has been fixed. The calculation sometimes could not handle the total amount of milk.


  • On the page Settings > V-packs we have added a button "Slow network".

    In Velos installations, slow mobile connections are sometimes used to bridge longer distances. This is particularly used in grazing areas where it is occasionally necessary to place a VP4102 with an antenna in the field. Although the communication between VPUs and V-Packs as in fact requires these connections to be faster and more stable, we now permit the use of these slower connections. Allowing a slow network prevents the system from constantly notifying that V-Packs can no longer be found. However, this may result in firmware updates for V-Packs not functioning properly and potentially incomplete data transmission over the connection. Therefore using this feature is at the user's own risk.

  • Nedap constantly updates the software to prevent security vulnerabilities. In this version some 3rd party libraries have been updated because of this vulnerability: CVE-2024-6387.

  • Translations have been updated in all supported languages.

  • In large installations, an out of memory error could occur in the queues that send data to Nedap Now. This issue has been resolved.

  • In installations using multiple VPUs (VP8002) The main VPU sometimes was unable to discover the secondary VPUs. This issue has been resolved.

  • The VPU connection checker (Maintenance > VPU connection checker) failed on V-Pack firmware in case a V-Pack of type VP4102 was connected that was used as a repeater. This issue has been resolved.

System requirements

Velos version

  • An installation needs to run on version 2024.1.SR2 or newer to be able to update to this version. Make sure to update to version 2024.1.SR2 first before installing this version.


  • This version is compatible with Taurus 2020.1 ( or higher.

Mobile device versions:

  • iOS 15 or later

  • Android 5.0 or later

Supported browsers:

  • Google Chrome

  • Microsoft Edge

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